今日はReturned Kidsからみんなへのクリスマスプレゼントとして本とプリント教材をプレゼントしました。しっかり読んでくださいね!
また、Break timeには近くの公園にみんなで列を作って向かいました。
Show & Tellのテーマは「クリスマスにもらいたいプレゼント」でした。発表された内容のいくつかを紹介します。
In Christmas, I want a toy called Aquabeads. I want it because I got this also in 2019 and it was so fun, so I want it again. We put the beads in what shape you want them to be. Next you spray water on them. We wait for around 20 mins. Then it is finished.
I want something that flies to the air like a drone. I can see the view from a drone by using a smartphone. It is far more than thirteen years old but I want to try to play with it. Also it has a light so I can play also in night. I can see a lot of places in Japan.