
写真は授業中に使っているプリント教材の一つ「Reading practice sheet」です。英検3級~準2級相当レベルの教材です。これを毎日声に出して読むこと、書き写すことが宿題の一つです。少しずつ難しくなってきていますが、みんな宿題をしっかりやって立派です!


また、Show & Tellのテーマは「一日の中で好きな時間」でした。生徒の発表をいくつか紹介します。



The time I like in a day is two o'clock pm. I like it because I can attend my after school program or class program but on weekends I like twelve o'clock pm because I can eat my delicious lunch prepared by my mom or dad. It is the time where we gather together and eat the meal as a family. And these are my favorite time of the day.



I like the time 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock. 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock is my free time. I always play board game with my dad and my younger brother. I often play 'Pandemic'. I like it because everyone is in a same team. We have to help people because there are four. So we have to make vaccine until time limit. It is so exciting. Therefore I like the time between 8 o'clock and 9 o'clock.



My best time in Saturday is 2 pm. Because I sometimes get to play with my friends at the park and sometimes I get to play games. The worst time in Sunday is in the night of 9 pm. Because the next day is Monday, so I have to go to the school.