今日も天気が良かったのでSnack timeは近くの公園で遊びました。ただ、遊んでばっかりではなく勉強する時はしっかり勉強しています。写真は今日の授業風景です。
Show &Tellのテーマは「新学年になってやりたいこと/楽しみにしていること」でした。生徒の発表をいくつか紹介します。
I have three things what I'm looking for in the new semester. First, I want to make four new friends. If I have four friends, we can play tag, hide and seek and many games. Second, I want to get along with new teacher. If I can get along with her, I won't be nervous when I talk with her. Third, I don't need to wear yellow hat. Grade 1 students in my school have to wear yellow hat, and the hat really stands out. I'm happy not to wear the hat forever.
What I am excited about Grade 4 is doing clubs. I am excited about clubs because I can choose a lot and I chose the club where I can play a lot of sports. I chose that club because I like running and playing sports. That's why I am excited about clubs.
I'm looking forward to a fieldtrip where going to a big park for children. I went to a big park before, but I don't remember about the park when I was the 1st grade , I went to a huge park. It was super fun. I am very excited to go to the big park.