今日はSnack timeに近くの公園で水鉄砲を使って水遊びをしました。とてもとても暑かったので、冷たい水を浴びて大はしゃぎでした。写真はその光景です。
Show & Tellのテーマは「もしも水になるとしたらどんな水になりたいか?」でした。それでは、いくつか生徒の紹介を発表します。
I want to be a pool's water. Because I want to see everyone's smile. That pool is school's pool. School's pool was fun, but I only swam for one time. We couldn't do last year because of COVID-19.
If I can be any type of water, I want to be ocean. Because earth is 60% ocean and 40% land, so if I could be ocean I'm going to be super big. I am also the ocean so I can make waves. That's why I want to be ocean.
I want to be a waterfall because it's cool and the water might be clean. Also I like the way the waterfall flows up to down and, a small rainbow may appear. I want to go to the waterfall someday.
