

Show & Tellのテーマは「何かを作って、それについて説明すること」でした。それではいくつか生徒の発表を紹介します。



I made a toy Bunny. Her body is made out of tissue, and she has a ribbon at the bottom of her ear. Her face is side oval, and her body is rectangle. Her name is ''Rebecca" and I hope you like her. 



I brought a paper airplane. I brought a paper airplane because it was very easy to make. It can also fly. If you throw the airplane as hard as you can, the air plane will fly faster. You can also customize it by drawing something on the paper airplane. That's why I brought a paper airplane.



I made a scarf at school. I chose my scarf because it is cute, comfortable and it was fun to make it. I made it by a thin string. You can make it by any kinds of strings, and also if the string is fluffy, you can make a fluffy scarf. I want to make more scarfs.