
9月に入りましたがまだまだ暑く、Snack timeの時間は近くの公園で走り回ってみんな汗だくになりました。汗をかいた後はアイスクリームで一休みしています。

今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「夏休みの自由研究」でした。COVID-19の人口動態研究(大人顔負け)をしている聡明な生徒もいましたね。写真は今日のShow & Tellの光景です。





This is when I was in second grade. When I was in second grade, on the summer holiday I made a three colored flashlight. The three colors are green, blue and red. If you get close to the wall with the three colored flashlight, you can see the colors clearly on the wall. But if you are close to the wall with the flashlight, you cannot see the colors clearly. That is what I made at second grade's summer holiday.



I would like to do a butterfly experiment. I learned about butterflies at school, but I want to see how butterflies become adults by myself. I know the butterflies eggs grow at a cabbage farm so I want to go there and find one.