本日の授業では3週間に一度のプリント教材 'Three Weeks Reading'に取り組みました。Rocks(岩)に関する内容で、Rocksにはいろんな種類があること、Rocksのライフサイクルは生物のライフサイクルと異なること等を学ぶことができましたね。生徒の皆さんには色んな話題に英語で触れて興味を拡げていってもらいたいです。
Show & Tellのテーマは「仲の良いお友達について(Neigther, Bothを使った文章を作ること)」でした。日本に帰国した後でも海外在住時の友達をベストフレンドと紹介してくれる生徒が沢山いましたね。それでは生徒の発表をいくつか紹介します。
Me best friend is Kiley. I met her in Atlanta, Georgia in 2020. We became friends because we were in the same classroom in the 2nd grade. We both love swimming and we loved swimming so much that we were in a team. We did all of the relays together and sometimes we needed to compete each other. It was always a tie. Something we hate is when it is raining outside because then we can't go swimming outside. Neither of us like indoor swimming. I don't know the difference but it just doesn't feel right. We won a gold medal for the relay. I did butterfly and Kiley did freestyle. She was the best at freestyle out of the whole the team. I was the best at butterfly out the team at least that is what the coach said. We hang out almost every single day. I miss playing with her.
My best friend's name is May. May is living in Berlin. May and I both happened to be in the same Friday after-school club. May's dad was a teacher at the elementary school May and I attended. Neither May nor I liked to play tag. The elementary school that May and I attended had two snack times every day. May and I would leave a little bit of the snack and shared it after school.