4月に入り、東京校で使用する教科書がGrade 4になりました!東京校ではBrain Questと100 words bookという2つの教科書を使っています。Grade 3の教科書は終えるのに1年以上かかりましたね。Grade 4の教科書は1年で終えれるように頑張りましょう!
Show & Tellのテーマは「My new school year(新しい友達、先生、教科 etc.)」でした。新年度になってみんな幸先の良いスタートを切れたようです。それでは生徒の発表をいくつか紹介します。
For this school year, I have become the fourth grader. I started to study in art room and science room and there will be clubs. We usually do clubs on Monday, so on Monday I have to do about six classes. Also, I am in the upper grade, so I have to be a senior leader for lower graders. I'm excited about the clubs but I don't like that I have to be a senior leader.
I am in the fifth grade right now. Firstly I will talk about my class. My teacher wants our classmates to be able to do their school tasks by their own. And I am in the fifth grade, so I have a lot of homework. I have to be a leader of first and second graders and I have to do the lessons by not talking at all. Now that is a very hard rule to follow. Now that I know that getting bigger makes me harder to follow the rules. I want to go back to the fourth grade.