今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「嫌いな音」でした。黒板をひっかく音、自転車のブレーキ音、誰かが叫んでいる声等色々な音が出てきました。大の阪神タイガースファンの生徒の嫌いな音は「ヤクルトスワローズの選手が打席に立つときのテーマソング&その選手がホームランを打つ音」ととてもユニークなものでした。
The sound that is annoying to me is 'Dedededede, dededede, detetetete, tetetetetetetete, Kattobase Murakami,,, Kakkin!! Homerun!!'. Because Murakami is Yakult Swallows and in the central league. He is a good player that hits a homerun. He also hit a Manrui Homerun, and the next day he hit a homerun again. So if he hit a homerun in the battle against Tigers, it is so annoying.
I don't like the sound of Bzzzzzzz, because that is the sound of insects flying and I really really hate insects. Sometimes if there is the sound Bzzzzz around me, I think it's a bee and I always run as fast as I can to get away from the sound. But the sound is always a mosquito. Once I heard the sound Bzzzzz and I thought it was a mosquito but it was a real big bee. That's why I don't like the sound Bzzzz.