今日は暑かったですね・・・。Snack timeに公園で遊んだ後のアイスクリームがいつもより好評でしたね。写真は大人しくアイスを食べている光景です。
Show & Tellのテーマは「雨が降らない場所、湿度が高い場所、毎日雨が降る場所のどれか1つを選ばなければいけないとしたらどれを選びますか?」でした。水が不足しないように雨が降る場所を選択するという賢い意見から毎日外で遊ぶために雨が降らない場所を選択するという子供感満載の意見まで沢山の意見が出てきました。
I prefer to live in a place where it is dry all day because I don't like humid weather. And when it is always raining, I can't play baseball in the rain and it is so odd. When it is dry, it is hot but I can go to the pool and also I can play baseball and professional league always play baseball, so I can see that.
I would prefer a place that is always humid, because the other ones are too hot and makes my feel unwell. Also, if it's too hot, I have to bring a water bottle that has a lot of water inside and it's heavy to carry. If it's always raining, I always have to bring my umbrella, so I chose a place that is always humid.