今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「不幸なストーリー」でした。本やビデオで見聞きした誰かのストーリーでもよいと言っていたのですが、全員自分に実際に起きたストーリーを共有してくれました。雨に打たれた、虫に噛まれた等、子供らしい不幸話を紹介してくれましたね。どんな不幸なことがあっても頑張って前を向いていきましょう!
My unfortunate story is when I was going to have a sleepover with my friend. The sleepover day's night I was waiting her to come to my house, but just then my mom's phone rang. It was from my dad. When my mom took her phone and talked to my dad, she had a little bit a sad face and I wanted to know what they were talking about. After my mom finished talking with my dad, I asked 'What were you talking about?'. Then my mom answered 'Today, we cannot have sleepover with her'. 'Why?' I asked with a sad face. 'Because your dad's work had 1 Corona person. ' said mom with a sad face again. After my mom said that I started crying. Ad then my mom showed a picture of my friend crying. My friend and I both were crying. That was a very unfortunate story for me.
When I was playing a video game at home, the time I was able to play the game was nearly going to end. Then, it reminded me that today was the last day that I can get the hat that was on an event. I went to the shop, then I realized that I didn't have enough money, I didn't have even one yen. So I thought it was a very unfortunate story for me.