今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「イソップ寓話(Aesop fables:アリとキリギリス、うさぎとかめ、うそをつく子供 etc.)の中から一つ好きなものを選び、それに沿った物語を一つ作ること」でした。
Once upon a time there were two girls, Bella and Stella, studying for a very important exam next year. Bella was studying step by step, little by little. On the other hand Stella was lazy and studied one time and was confident already. While Bella was studying, Stella was sitting on the couch and watching TV. A year later, the exam test was there, they were both confident, until Stella looked at the papers and realized that she had forgotten everything. They got the results and of course only Bella past the test.
Once upon a time there was a boy and that boy was very naughty. He did pranks all day to everyone, like hiding people's precious stuff, or waking people up in midnight. He got more hated by everyday. One day there was a project that you needed to do with two people, but no one wanted to do it with him. So he couldn't do the project and got a failure. When he went back home that day, his parents to super made at him.