今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「世界がゾンビに襲われたらどうやって生き延びるか?」でした。ゾンビになったふりをする、穴を掘る、銃やナイフで撃退するなど色んなアイデアが出てきましたね。日常では起こりえないことについて考えて英語でそれを紹介するのは良いトレーニングになりますね。
If the world came to zombie world, if I see a zombie I will shoot the gun two times then I will stab a zombie with a knife. When we attack zombies we have to shoot or stab the head. Zombies will die if we do that. But before that, we need to get ready to go outside, so I'm going to get my backpack, foods, water or tea, iPad, sleeping bag, tools, helmet, protector for bike and weapons. I'll make sure to wear a cloth made of strong materials. Of course, I'm going to put a mask to not be infected by zombies. Then I will go to a convenience store that has books. Then I will put books on my cloth. Because if we do that when a zombie bite me, the books are hard so we're going to be safe. I will also get more foods, weapons and tools. Then I will call my family or find them. If I find them, we will survive together also my friends.