今日は宇宙について勉強しました!英語でも水金地火木土天海冥のような覚えやすいフレーズあるようです 'My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Neverland (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)'. みんなそれぞれの星について学ぶことができましたね!
今日のShow & Tellのテーマは「Volunteer, Wooden door, Can(缶), Blue shoe(s) の4つの単語を使って物語を作る」でした。
There was a boy that lived in an old house in a forest that had the oldest wooden door in the country. He had never went into the city and never talked with someone except for his family. When he became an adult, he went to the city for the first time. They city was dirty because of cans on the road and parks. Because it was so dirty he decided to volunteer picking up the cans. When he started doing it, many people started doing it too. He always wears his blue show when he is volunteering so it became a rule to wear blue shoes. Even now at the city, there are people who pick up cans.
