Show & Tellは「GWの思い出」でした。おじいちゃん・おばあちゃん家、沖縄やUSJ等の国内旅行に行った生徒が多かったですね。次の長期休暇は夏休みですね。それまで頑張って勉強しましょう!
(写真はBreak timeに公園で鬼を決めるじゃんけんをしている光景です)
For my golden week, I went to my grand parents' houses for 4 days and 3 nights. The first day, I went to my grandparents' house by car and ate dinner at the Italian restaurant. The next day, we went to a really big park called Soreiyu no Oka. There was a gigantic athletic and zip line and we rode on the ferris wheel. I also went to a place where we can play with water. Then we went home and did a barbeque for dinner inside. The next day we went to my other grandparents' house and played at the park. For lunch we went to an Italian restaurant again and for dinner we ate Chinese dishes. The last day, we played card games and played with my grandparents' dog. It was super fun.