Show & Tellのテーマは「Thing(s) that you accomplished」でした。トライアスロンに参加したこと、バク転ができるようになったこと、お母さんが編集したドラマを家族で全話鑑賞したこと、帰国してから漢字の勉強をして漢字が読めるようになったこと、剣道一級、英検準一級を取得したこと、海外の学校で飛び級したこと、料理が上手になったこと等々多くのAccomplishmentがありましたね。これからも色んな事に挑戦し続けてくださいね!
The thing that I accomplished in the past is when I ran a 4 km marathon with my dad. We ran the marathon in a big park with about one hundred people. In the course there was a lot of hills so I got so tired, but we were able to get in the fourth place, so I thought that was a big accomplishment.
Last week, I have accomplished to do a backflip with only a little bit of help. I have been doing the gymnastics class for about a year, but couldn't do a backflip, so I was happy. I have also accomplished doing a handstand for 50 seconds. I was glad that I didn't stop going to the gymnastics class until I was able to do a backflip.
